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Articles by Jan Weigner

You need more damn pixels

There has obviously been a lot of chatter in recent years about 4K, but is it enough? 8K and beyond is where the excitement lies, but not in the way you might think. 8K and beyond for broadcast, both of which are easily achievable in a software-only, IP environment, may seem a bridge too far for most at the moment, and they\'re probably right¦for n...

Submitted by Jan Weigner
Published 13 January 2017

A virtual world but call it cloud if you must

I prefer not to use the word "cloud". It's useful for eight points in Scrabble, but in broadcasting, if we can still call it that, what you're really describing is storing data on someone else's computer or, on an industrial scale, a whole lot of someone else's computers (data centres). Cloud is just a convenient way of saying "shedload of capacity...

Submitted by Jan Weigner
Published 01 April 2016