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Filtered Tag: creative (9 results)

TVFutures. No More Comfort Zone - Get a Placement

I have often heard that any chance of getting work in the television industry is based quite heavily on who you know, and whilst that might indeed be true, I’ve also come to the realisation that it may also depends on what opportunities you seize and how far out of your comfort zone you might be prepared to push yourself. Looking back it was quite...

Submitted by Michelle Brown
Published 16 July 2019

All about industry placements - tv futures

Eliana Lee-Gibbons, Industry Liaison Manager in the Creative and Cultural Industries Faculty at the University of Portsmouth, describes her experiences in setting up placements and short-term internships in the Creative Industries to help students gain relevant work-experience. The theme of employability and career en...

Submitted by Eliana Lee Gibbons
Published 25 August 2016


by Callum O\'LearyIssue 102 - June 2015I made it! So here we are, the last feature to write for Kit Plus and the end of my time as a BSc (Hons) Television and Broadcasting student at the University of Portsmouth. I remember my first year at the University fondly. Lecturers and students told me that it would fly by and however cliched it

Submitted by Callum O Leary
Published 01 July 2015

The changing face of film and TV

by George Olver Issue 99 - March 2015 With the convergence of technologies and blurring of lines between broadcast and other forms of media, the industry has undergone a seismic shift over recent years. In 2015 half of all UK ad spend will be spent on digital, in what has been described as a "seminal moment in the history of the ad industry". Clien...

Submitted by George Olver
Published 01 April 2015


by Dylan Ellcome Issue 96 - December 2014 I\'m now well into my final year of BSc Television and Broadcasting at the University of Portsmouth , and things are beginning to slot into place, finding a natural rhythm. You quickly realise that this year, there is no messing about, and the learning curve, well that\'s where you\'re expected to put into...

Submitted by Dylan Ellcome
Published 01 January 2015


by Simon Bull Issue 95 - November 2014 Since introducing myself to Kitplus readers in the tv-bay Magazine back in September its fair to say that now, things are in full swing. The BSc Television & Broadcasting is a degree that aims to replicate industry standard production planning, content and deadlines and in the first few weeks we have been thru...

Submitted by Simon Bull
Published 01 December 2014

Skillset Accreditation

by Nick Way Issue 90 - June 2014 After the ITTPs inaugural conference on 27th January this year Skillset very kindly invited a member of ITTP to observe them accrediting a University Film and Television Course. I responded quickly and won the prize¦!I journeyed from work on the Thursday evening to the hotel for an evening meeting so the team could...

Submitted by Nick Way
Published 01 July 2014

A preview of this years IBC with Will Strauss

by Will StraussIssue 80 - August 2013 Writing an IBC preview when the show itself is still seven weeks away is never easy. Despite best intentions, lots of exhibitors havent yet shown their hands (or are still deciding which cards to play) and many of those that have, are really not giving much away. However, fear not dear reader. The next two page...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 September 2013

The evolving face of post production

By Will StraussIn the latter half of 2012, Assimilate made an interesting announcement about payment options for its Scratch and Scratch Lab software products. Instead of buying a license outright, it said, now you can choose to simply rent either of these Digital Intermediate (DI) ‘dailies’ tools for any period of time from a single day to three m...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 February 2013