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Filtered Tag: vidcheck (5 results)

The FAQs on automated quality assurance

The transition from tape-based to file-based video and audio recording allowed a completely new approach to the business of checking that programmes and interstitials conform to broad-cast industry standards prior to transmission. The Vidcheck team designed the world\'s first au-tomated broadcast quality control product. We have been working on fil...

Submitted by Thomas Dove
Published 25 August 2016

Automated Quality Control

by Thomas Dove Issue 109 - January 2016 Automated quality control for file-based media has been available to broadcasters for over a decade. The Vidcheck team designed and produced the very first product in this area. We have been working on this type of software since 2003 and are probably the most experienced team anywhere in the world. Many exis...

Submitted by Thomas Dove
Published 21 January 2016

Manage and Monitor

Issue 94 - October 2014In the month that digital files become the preferred method of delivery for television programmes in the UK, it will come as a blessed relief to many in both post and production that one of the biggest bugbears of file-based delivery – how to deal with insert editing - may have been solved, just in the nick of time. It didn’t...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014

The brains behind a no brainer

by Thomas Dove Issue 92 - August 2014 It’s perhaps not surprising that a lot of professional video and audio editors don’t fully grasp the minutia of file-based media formats and delivery specifications such as those established by the Digital Production Partnership (DPP). After all, an editor’s job is to is to make compelling content, whether for...

Submitted by Thomas Dove
Published 01 September 2014

Whats new in broadcast test and measurement

The test and measurement product category continues to expand as the broadcast business itself diversifies. Notable recent developments include higher resolution displays and a gradually increasing number of analysers which, having detected a fault, endeavour to fix it. No sign at NAB 2011 of any tablet-based test and measurement equipment but perh...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 July 2011