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Filtered Tag: ofcom (6 results)

News Out Of The Cloud - Technology At The Front Line Of J...

Throughout history, journalists have always had to seek and adapt to new technologies to deliver news in a format and at a speed that consumers demanded. Today, recent technological changes in the media environment have led to another inflection point. If modern media outlets want to empower journalists to remain agile and turn news stories around...

Submitted by Stuart Almond
Published 16 July 2019

Will we soon be paying our respects to PayTV

Recent reports show pay TV in the US peaked in 2012 and will keep dropping over the next five years. Digital TV Research’s North America Pay TV Forecasts state the US will see a 20% drop between 2012 and 2023. Should the UK be readying for a similar change in consumer viewing, or is something different happening here?Looking at UK pay TV revenues,...

Submitted by Malcolm Harland
Published 18 July 2018

Gaining insight in a fragmented broadcast world

by Keith Bedford Issue 110 - February 2016 The proliferation of mobile devices, on-demand content and the fragmentation of viewing habits makes the task of measuring TV audiences and the level of audience participation a bigger challenge than ever before. While the ways that consumers' access content may have changed radically, broadcasters' need f...

Submitted by Keith Bedford
Published 16 March 2016

Robin Palmer and why flashy programmes are not so good?

by Robin PalmerEver since the 1997 Pokmon phenomenon when hundreds of Japanese children were struck with epileptic fits provoked by a series bright red flashes in a TV cartoon programme broadcasters have become only too aware of PSE. Photo-Sensitive Epilepsy is a rare condition affecting perhaps only 1 in 4,000 people where flashing lights or image...

Submitted by Robin Palmer
Published 01 February 2013

True Colours Shine Through With CCS

When you are a broadcast engineer working in front of a stack of LCD monitors, seeing a significant difference between the brightness and colour of each monitor can be both annoying and tiring on the eyes. Worse still, if you in a Master Control Room and the pictures have taken on a sickly green hue, how do you know that it is just the monitors at...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 March 2011

Compliance and Punishment

Glyn Powell-Evans of Ideas explains the benefits of compliance recording and how failing to adhere can land you in hot waterFor broadcasters in the UK, ensuring that anything they broadcast is recorded and available for review is a way of life. The regulator Ofcom has regulations in place which dictate that all broadcasts must be recor...

Submitted by Dennis Lennie
Published 01 June 2009