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Articles by Laurent Fanichet

Four must-haves for modern media workflows: Enhancing you...

by Laurent Fanichet Issue 97 - January 2015 It\'s always been about the struggle to manage lots of assets and adapt your MAM to suit in the world of digital media workflows. In the early years, enterprise storage infrastructure couldn\'t keep pace with the demands of SD, so the first non-linear editing systems were turnkey solutions with proprietar...

Submitted by Laurent Fanichet
Published 01 February 2015

Quantum StorNext plays a starring role for Framestore

by Laurent FanichetIssue 80 - August 2013 Even Oscar winners need to update tools to cope with the rapid transition from film to digital, for leading post production studio Framestore that meant choosing StorNext File System and Storage Manager to improve digital workflows and automate data management, resulting in a 30-60 percent saving. Data File...

Submitted by Laurent Fanichet
Published 01 September 2013