Broadcast Bionics has an exciting new answer for broadcasters facing the challenge of rising POTS line costs

Matt Collison

Published: 09 April 2024

Broadcast Bionics has an exciting new answer for broadcasters facing the challenge of rising POTS line costs

CallerOne allows stations to move to affordable SIP lines with minimal investment. New support for existing call control hardware from Telos and Wheatstone allows broadcasters to benefit from lower line costs while retaining their current call handling workflow.

In August 2022, the FCC removed requirements for ILECs to offer analog POTS lines at competitive rates. By October 2023, all remaining cost obligations were lifted. This spurred carriers to plan the decommissioning of outdated lines, aiming to end all PSTN lines by 2030.

Broadcasters who rely on POTS lines for their talkshow systems will be facing hefty price hikes, if not now, then very soon. But transitioning to SIP can be daunting, and what about those trusted VSets your talent loves?

Thankfully there is now a simple and affordable solution.

CallerOne now supports Telos VSet and console call controllers, whereas Wheatstone facilities can use WheatNet for IP audio and GPIO control. These integrations enable broadcasters to continue using their existing hardware and call handling workflows while transitioning to a more cost-effective SIP talkshow solution.

At the heart of CallerOne is a sleek, user-friendly interface that empowers on-air talent, call screeners, and producers to effortlessly manage calls and ensure seamless content flow. Additional call screening positions can be set up with only a browser and headset, and two on-air studios can even share a single CallerOne system where needed.

Broadcast Bionics’ innovative CallerOne software makes the transition to SIP painless, all while saving line costs, improving call quality, and opening the door to all digital has to offer.

"CallerOne’s integrations with Telos and Wheatstone allow broadcasters to transition to a SIP talkshow solution, while retaining their much-loved hardware and workflows. We expect this to be an extremely popular option for stations feeling the effects of POTS price hikes.” says Matt Collison, Brand and Marketing Lead at Broadcast Bionics.

CallerOne will be on demo at NAB 2024 on the Broadcast Bionics booth (C2030), and on the Broadcasters General Store booth (C2808) with Wheatstone.

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