Mobile Studio: Institute of Psychology at the German University of Bundeswehr in dialogue with experts

Published: 15 February 2022

Mobile Studio: Institute of Psychology at the German University of Bundeswehr in dialogue with experts

The Institute of Psychology at the University of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) in Munich is breaking new ground in its field research on the topics of conflict and communication by going where the people are to conduct video interviews - in pedestrian zones, on the street, in busy places. To be ideally equipped, the Institute, together with Broadcast Solutions, has designed a mobile studio, which has been handed over recently. The mobile studio was designed and implemented by systems integrator Broadcast Solutions.

The aim of the project was to create a mobile space to conduct video interviews with specific groups of people or passers-by, regardless of location. The vehicle should offer enough space for an undisturbed video situation and the necessary technology for editing and post-production of the material. In addition to the integration of TV technology, a daily business for Broadcast Solutions, the requirements for perfect studio lighting also had to be considered to meet the customer’s requirements. Furthermore, the interview area, equipped with an infinity cove, needed to be as comfortable and pleasant as possible to ease the persons being interviewed and reduce any fear of contact with the technology. To meet these requirements, an IVECO van, equipped with an area for the interviews plus a technical and editor’s workstation, was chosen as the basic vehicle.

Dr Mathias Jaudas, research assistant at the Institute of Psychology and responsible for the project, explains the background of the vehicle: “We are trying something new for us here. With the new vehicle, we are very flexible and mobile in our research work and yet protected from external influences, thanks to the excellent sound insulation of the vehicle’s box body. In addition, the excellent air conditioning and a built-in generator offer us extra independence. We were looking for a pleasant atmosphere and the technology to create the rough cut in the vehicle itself during the interview situations. The finished mobile studio van convinces me a lot, and Broadcast Solutions understood and implemented our ideas very well within the KOKO (German abbreviation for communication and conflict) media truck.”

In the truck the interviews will be covered with two cameras, a Sony FX6 on a tripod and a BirdDog PTZ camera remotely controlled by a joystick. In addition to the interview area with the cameraman and moderator, the vehicle offers workstations for two editors and a technician in the technical area. Initially, the studio van works in HD but can be easily converted to UHD at any time. The technical area has two iMac computers (24”) with FinalCut Pro installed for editing. The material is stored on two AjA Ki Pro ULTRA units, processing 4 signals in HD or 2 in UHD. Two Konvision monitors are available for monitoring the video signals. A Metric Halo audio I/O interface handles levelling, conversion and feeding of the audio signals to the iMacs.

Plans for using the mobile studio in the first research and transfer projects are being worked out at full speed. In the middle of the year, an extensive tour through many cities in Germany is planned to record quotes and videos, which will be seeded to a broader audience in the form of entertaining and lively video clips via social media channels.

You can find out more about the work of the Institute of Psychology at the Bundeswehr University here:


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