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KitPlus TV: Streaming solutions for enterprise businesses plus news on the Newtek Tricaster 2 Elite

In the show today we caught up with Marc Risby from Boxer, one of the longest serving Newtek Elite Partners, where we chat about about broadcasting for enterprise and streaming for business which has become a premium concern for everyone in this digital workspace! Marc also covers the latest from Newtek which is the Newtek Tricaster Elite.

People engage with live content - how can Enterprise level organisations recreate that in an online world? Where do they find the right tools to create compelling content within a flexible infrastructure that is scalable and offers secure distribution of the content and how do you create content that keeps your diverse workforce, with endless distractions at home, making sure you get your message across to customers and staff?

Boxer deliver solutions to help Enterprise stand out and create content that reflects brand values and broadcast standards, and Mark has an interesting World Record to share as well!

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