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Africans in London TV

by Joseph Adamson Issue 95 - November 2014 Africans in London TV (AILTV) was first featured in TV-BAY magazine issue 029 in 2009. The article was about AILTV when it started, including the reason why it was created, the content and future plans. The emphasis was on the gear that I was using at that time which was a Canon HV20, Sony VX1000, Sony PD1...

Submitted by Joseph Ail
Published 01 December 2014

Capture and Produce

Issue 94 - October 2014One of the hot topics at this year’s IBC was undoubtedly the growing adoption of end-to-end IP production and the imminent death of SDI. During a panel session, hosted by Mediasmiths and Cognizant, and including representatives from BBC, Sony and more, the key point made was that the adoption of IP production technology and w...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014

Manipulate and Edit

Issue 94 - October 2014It will come as no surprise to many but the results of a survey unveiled at IBC have shown once again that some European broadcasters are struggling to keep up with the speed of technology change. Faced with new ways of working and constantly shifting goalposts, not to mention reduced budgets, many technology decision makers...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014

Manage and Monitor

Issue 94 - October 2014In the month that digital files become the preferred method of delivery for television programmes in the UK, it will come as a blessed relief to many in both post and production that one of the biggest bugbears of file-based delivery – how to deal with insert editing - may have been solved, just in the nick of time. It didn’t...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014


Issue 94 - October 2014The most complete, compact multimedia studio in the World NewTek™ have unveiled TriCaster Mini™––the world’s most complete and compact multimedia studio. The ultra-portable system allows anyone who doesn’t speak or understand the technical language of video production or broadcasting to transform an ordinary presentation into...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014

Sony PXW-FS7

by Alister Chapman Issue 94 - October 2014 At IBC Sony launched a new camera. In fact Sony launched several new cameras. This is nothing new, every year Sony launch cameras. But this year Sony really created quite a stir with one camera in particular, the Sony PXW-FS7. So what is it about the FS7 that is so special? Looking at the specs alone this...

Submitted by Alister Champman
Published 01 November 2014

Everything you need to know about Anamorphic Lenses

by Les Zellan Issue 94 - October 2014 Back in the late 1940s and early 1950s, film studios and theatre owners panicked. Television was the emerging new technology and as it expanded in popularity they feared audiences would shun the theatre to stay home and watch TV instead. What could they do to beat that? They needed a competitive edge to draw au...

Submitted by Les Zellan
Published 01 November 2014

Capture and Produce

Issue 93 - September 2014 Amongst all the new cameras, support and other production kit being touted prior to IBC, it was a less tangible announcement that really captured the imagination: Atomos’ announcement that it wants to standardize its Start/Stop Trigger connectivity for HDMI by making it available to other manufacturers. Locking SDI interfa...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 October 2014

Manage and Monitor

Issue 93 - September 2014 In less than a month’s time, British television producers will be asked to deliver their programmes to broadcasters as files rather than tape. Some have been doing it for years. For others, it’s a whole new world. Fundamentally, the change is just replacing physical items like tapes, labels and VT reports with their zeros...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 October 2014

Flying a Drone part 1

by Jon Pratchett Issue 93 - September 2014 Drones! The word imparts a sense of fear into the hearts of many. You immediately think of US spy planes, covert missions to attack forces deep in enemy territory. Yet it’s also the word that many now use to describe those little flying multi rotor things with GoPro’s on that seem to be popping up everywhe...

Submitted by John Pratchett
Published 01 October 2014

Playing games with radio mics on location

by Richard Meredith Issue 93 - September 2014 Some people use the same radio mics year in year out for every job that they do - others hire in radio mics for every job and don’t own anything - I am in the unique (nearly) position of being able to select the most appropriate from my own hire stock, and so every project has the equipment best suited...

Submitted by Richard Meredith
Published 01 October 2014

The evolution of Wired Intercom

by Simon Browne & Ed Fitzgerald Issue 93 - September 2014 Early Beginnings What do you think was the fi rst DIGITAL communications system devised? Of course you could think of the evolution in standardised parallel data backplanes and digital ICs in the 1980s and the swathe of multi-rack Time Division Multiplexed switching systems that it enabled,...

Submitted by Simon Browne
Published 01 October 2014

How to Produce and Stream a Live Production Part One

by Chris Waddington Issue 93 - September 2014 With recent advances in camera technology, services that can send your content across the internet to any web-connected device and desktop streaming production systems like NewTek’s TriCaster, even beginners can create sophisticated video content that looks great and stream it live to the web. In this t...

Submitted by Chris Waddington
Published 01 October 2014

KVM extenders and matrix switches in broadcast

by Enno Littmann Issue 92 - August 2014 How successful has exhibiting at IBC been in the past?IBC 2014 marks the fifth successive year that IHSE has exhibited at the exhibition. Each year since 2009 we have moved to a more prominent position, increased the size of the stand and generated greater levels of interest amongst visitors. Many of whom hav...

Submitted by Enno Littmann
Published 01 September 2014

Is bingeing the new black?

by Dick Hobbs Issue 92 - August 2014 Recently BBC4 has been showing the classic 1985 television drama Edge of Darkness. Troy Kennedy Martin masterfully captured the nuclear paranoia of the era, at a time when the Thatcher government was making a virtue out of secrecy. The idea that global forces were casually trading in weapons-grade material and w...

Submitted by Dick Hobbs.
Published 01 September 2014