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Making multi-camera shooting faster & more affordable

by Datsa Gaile Issue 105 - September 2015 Multi-camera filming has been known for years. There was a time when shooting any production involving multiple-camera positions would require a very large studio budget. Today we have many solutions for live vision mixing and great editing platforms what offer multi-camera editing. As there are so many gre...

Submitted by Datsa Gaile
Published 01 October 2015

Wireless and satellite

by John Wastcoat Issue 105 - September 2015 Each day, clips and other promotional materials needed to be transferred from the shooting location in South Africa to Network Tens editors in Sydney, Australia. However, the shows distant and isolated filming location in the South African jungle posed some major challenges for the broadcaster. Editors we...

Submitted by John Wastcoat
Published 01 October 2015

CLASS - Where do captions & subtitles live?

by Bruce Devlin Issue 104 - August 2015 Its not uncommon to see ability to insert/extract captions/subtitles as part of a tender requirement or product specification. But in a file-based world, what does this mean and where are we inserting/extracting to/from?For this article, well define captions and subtitles as text overlay that the user turns o...

Submitted by Bruce Devlin
Published 01 September 2015

Are you a trainer? Keeping up to date is vital

by Graham Reed Issue 104 - August 2015 When you are a tutor in a training organization, or if you are a lecturer teaching TV production in a university, it can be very hard to keep up-to-date with all that is going on and changing in the world of broadcast. Keeping up-to-date with developments is also very hard for those working in the industry lik...

Submitted by graham reed
Published 01 September 2015

The production desk finally gets innovative

by Kieron Seth Issue 104 - August 2015 The video switcher (aka vision mixer) is at the heart of all live television, all AV and many a live webcast. But despite its core role, its remained essentially the same concept for decades, consisting of a digital video effects processing unit, matrix switcher and control panel. Fundamentally this hardware-b...

Submitted by Kieron Seth#
Published 01 September 2015

CLASS - LEAN Mean Versioning Machine

by Bruce Devlin Issue 103 - July 2015 Today, there are numerous ways to access and consume media, be it through UHDTVs, smartphones, tablets or other screens, devices or services. Because there are so many outlets and even more bytes of information as a result, content owners and broadcasters are working incessantly to deliver top-quality content a...

Submitted by Bruce Devlin
Published 01 August 2015

How to go Over the Top with your video experience

by Lorna Garrett Issue 103 - July 2015 Going over the top opens up boundless opportunities. As a viewer, you can watch content on any device you have connected to the Internet without going through an ISP (internet service provider). As a broadcaster you can use OTT to enhance what you already offer, like Channel 4s Box TV service. These days, with...

Submitted by Lorna Garrett
Published 01 August 2015

Tapeless Workflows, MAM and Archive: Back to Basics

by Mike Shore Issue 103 - July 2015 The broadcast industrys appetite for file-based workflows existed long before the technology required to implement them was available. With the emergence of cheap capture hardware, the continually decreasing cost of storage and the ever-increasing capabilities of inexpensive computing power, the transition from t...

Submitted by Michael Shore
Published 01 August 2015

The business case for media asset management

by Kevin Usher Issue 103 - July 2015 You could argue that, so far, there have been two stages of commercial justification for asset management systems in broadcasting. First, it was a necessary evil: if broadcasters, production companies and other media organizations wanted to store content as filesat least some of the timethey needed a means of fi...

Submitted by Kevin Usher
Published 01 August 2015

Keep memories safe at RWF

by Martin Bennet Issue 103 - July 2015 RWF World founders Gwynne Roberts and Sadie Wykeham have embarked on a 30-plus year mission with a single purpose: to tell the world about human rights violations through the eyes of its survivors. Through the course of their journey, these truth-seekers have informed the world of late 20th-century injustices...

Submitted by Martin Bennett
Published 01 August 2015

UHD: a long road travelled

by Julian Fernandez Issue 103 - July 2015 Theres no denying it, Ultra HD (UHD) is impressive and the clarity of image is captivating, but its going to take a while for UHD to become mainstream in the home. A fairly expensive large screen TV is a must to get the best picture quality and since the majority of the world isnt yet watching television in...

Submitted by Julian Fernandez
Published 01 August 2015

An end-to-end solution

by Kevin Shaw Issue 102 - June 2015 BBC Studios and Post Production (BBC S&PP), a commercial subsidiary of the BBC, provides an end-to-end solution for what we refer to as post-post-production. Our services include preservation of media in our Front Porch DIVArchive and an end to end service that includes digitization of film and tape, quality cont...

Submitted by Kevin Shaw
Published 01 July 2015

Combining on-site and cloud storage

by Alan Hoggarth Issue 102 - June 2015 Technology and profitability have an intimate and often complicated relationship. A new invention may open up the possibility of new forms of business, or greater efficiency in existing businesses. Sometimes the invention may be a response to a clear need necessity being the mother of invention. But on other o...

Submitted by Alan Hoggarth
Published 01 July 2015

On-camera monitors for today and tomorrow

by Paul Isaacs Issue 102 - June 2015 1) Why is monitoring so important for productions?Image quality is a central concern for users of any video product, so monitoring should be one of the foremost considerations for cinematographers and videographers. Along similar lines, the ability of consumer televisions and a range of personal devices to displ...

Submitted by Paul Issacs
Published 01 July 2015

The importance of storage

by Larry Jordan Issue 102 - June 2015 "What\'s the best computer to edit video?\" It\'s a great question - it\'s just the wrong question. Yes, CPU speed is important and the Internet is buzzing with the latest specs on GPUs. But, today, virtually any currently shipping computer is more than adequate to edit video; even 4K. The critical component th...

Submitted by Larry Jordan#
Published 01 July 2015