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Why a new range of cases?

The team here at Ianiro International worked with Luggy for many years - they made wonderful bags with a real Italian quality and an eye for style. Sadly, last year the owner passed away, drawing their business to an abrupt close. For Ianiro International and its customers, this left a real gap. But it gave us an opportunity to reflect on our portf...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2012

tv-bay Questions

Name & Title?Giles Harvey DoPWho are you? (about yourself and who you work for)?With a degree in photography and BBC trained I run my own camera agency LUTTRELL PRODUCTIONS LTD providing crew for TV and film, documentaries and advertising. I tend to do most of my work for the terrestrial broadcasters as well as some of the largest ad agencies but a...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 October 2012

Building a digital archive

The search for specific content within masses of stored videotape once required a visit to the archive librarian, a great deal of patience, and some luck. Even if one was able to explain successfully the footage you needed, and if the librarian proved able to locate that content, there remained the possibility that tape degradation or generational...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 October 2012

TV-BAY: Ask the Experts

Studio Technologies responds to typical booth visitor questions at NAB and IBCBy: Gordon Kapes, president, Studio TechnologiesStudio Technologies, the manufacturer of tailored, high-performance video, audio and fiber optic products for the professional audio and broadcast markets, has been building equipment to address the production needs of broad...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 October 2012

A credit to whom?

Just over 40 years ago I was involved in the formation of the Guild of Television Cameramen as an independent non-profit-making international organisation that cares about television camerawork and the people who make it their craft. The GTC today has over 1,000 members, in the UK, Europe, Australia, Russia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA. The...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 September 2012

Who wouldnt consider a career in Live sports?

There are many diverse things in this industry which give me a buzz but I think that live sports coverage is probably pretty near the top of the pile. With a 17yr old son considering his career options I thought it time to introduce him to the world of live sports and SIS LIVE were kind enough to give us a quick tour behind the scenes on the second...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 September 2012

An Olympian Effort

For obvious reasons, the broadcasting world does not generally hold mass-murdering dictators in high esteem. But, in a small way, and despite his many, many faults, the world of television has one such tyrant to thank for the connection between technological innovation and the Olympic Games. And no, this is not a joke. The first handful of modern d...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 September 2012

Beaten by branding

Beaten by brandingI should say right at the start that I very much like Pixel Power’s James Gilbert. He is charming company, an excellent engineer and a good judge of wine. Yet, for all these admirable qualities, I hold him personally responsible for one of the greatest evils of modern society. I refer, of course, to the squeezeback. This is the ho...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 August 2012

More Power for Camera Accessories

Reliable, durable and plentiful battery power is essential for broadcast acquisition. The power demands of modern high-definition camera set-ups are now greater than ever. As the number of camera accessories increases so do the demands for battery power. In addition to power-hungry cameras, there is also a greater number of camera accessories avail...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 July 2012

Sport Pushes the Limits of Wireless Transmission

Sport Pushes the Limits of Wireless TransmissionBy Mark Anderson, Marketing Operations Manager, VislinkWith the London 2012 Games and the UEFA EURO 2012 European Football championships just around the corner, physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limits. Those pressures also apply to the technology used to cover these events for the w...

Submitted by Kieron Seth#
Published 01 July 2012

How location audio changed with the birth of reality TV

In the twenty-plus years that I’ve been a sound mixer/recordist I’ve witnessed countless changes in our industry from the introduction of digital multi-track recording to the arrival of 5.1 surround sound. But the biggest, most dramatic paradigm shift I’ve seen is much simpler than that – and it’s a social thing. For many years, when it came to rec...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 June 2012

Sennheiser 8060 Review

It’s always good to strive to better yourself, or at least the quality of your work. Here at TV-Bay it’s something we always aim to do. So this year, for our NAB 2012 coverage we wanted to see if we could improve upon our sound recording during the BroadcastShow interviews. If you don't know, I walk around these shows, camera crew in tow, interview...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 June 2012

Syncing or swimming in Vegas......

I've never been to America. I went to Canada for a month a few years ago, I have family living in Kentucky, but I've never been to the US before. My family are much more the Devon beach holiday types rather than a week in Disneyland every couple of year’s type. And my first trip to America will be for NAB. In Vegas. I have been reliably informed th...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 May 2012

Eye to Eye: Video over IP

Live video streaming via Internet Protocol is perhaps most familiar in the form of Skype’s free-of-charge online videophone service. Skype is a very easy way for an on-location broadcaster to get a video contribution back to base. A safer and more conventional technique, as with a reporter-to-anchor interview, is to live-stream video via one’s own...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 May 2012

Matrox MC-100 Reviewed

I have always liked multitools, leatherman, Gerber, Swiss Army. Amazing little all in one tools that can get you out a hole when you need. It’s the same when out setting up a Live webcast, a multi camera event or simply assisting another crew, I always like to have a few useful boxes of tricks with me just in case. This is where the new Matrox MC-1...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 May 2012