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Hands-on with the Antelope PICO ultra slow motion minicam

by Mel Noonan Issue 98 - February 2015 Super slow motion, or super motion, has been around for years and is mostly 3x recording speed. If you record say 3 seconds of action and play it back at normal European production frame rate you\'ll have 9 seconds of slow motion replay. These cameras must integrate with the live production workflow in use. SS...

Submitted by Mel Noonan
Published 01 March 2015

Seven thoughts for the New Year

by Larry Jordan Issue 97 - January 2015 It is my favorite time of year - a time of resolutions and predictions. Resolutions are fun. They showcase all the things we would like to have happen in the New Year - provided they don\'t take too much work on our part. While resolutions are personal, predictions are a group sport. So, after another year wr...

Submitted by Larry Jordan#
Published 01 February 2015

IDX E-HL9 Battery review

Author: Jon BoastManufacturer: IDXModel: E-HL9 BatteryShort Description: 88Wh Li-ion V-Mount High Load Battery with PowerLink & Digi-View. Why was it needed and what did it replace: I'd had my IDX E-10 batteries for a long time and so I needed to re-invest in new batteries to power my cameras, monitor and glidecam. What other systems did you consid...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 January 2015

Stars of the show - A visitors view

by Ben Sheriff Issue 96 - December 2014 Yesterday TV-BAY - Kit Plus came to East London\'s Brick Lane showcasing a roadshow packed with great seminars and kit to whet our appetites in advance of BVE in February. It was no great surprise that, for the DPs and camera operators at least the star of the event was the Sony PXW-FS7. Sony\'s latest large...

Submitted by Ben Sherriff
Published 01 January 2015

The Tour Revisited

Issue 96 - December 2014The November tour attracted over 1500 registrations visiting London and Manchester for one day in Shoreditch and the next in MediaCityUK. We asked people what they thought and there was simply too much to print. However here are the selected, together with our gallery and answers where there were issues, comments from visito...

Submitted by KitPlus
Published 01 January 2015

All I want for Christmas...

by Peter Savage Issue 96 - December 2014 As if no time has passed since last Christmas, the festive season is upon us and Xmas cheer is all around. Sticking with our own tradition of a themed view on the broadcast industry specifically, and the wider economy in general, here are our wish lists for Santa. Five wants A good story about the banking...

Submitted by KitPlus
Published 01 January 2015

ITTP Conference

by Graham Reed Issue 96 - December 2014 Plans are coming along very well for the 2015 Conference of the Institute of Training in TV Production, ITTP. The conference held last January at Pinewood Studios was a great success with many high profile speakers and there was also much lively debate between session panel members and the delegates. Since th...

Submitted by graham reed
Published 01 January 2015

High Resolution graphics for 4k and beyond

by Jesper Gawell Issue 96 - December 2014 It seems like 4K is everywhere these days - it\'s the dominant topic at broadcasting trade shows. Is there substance behind the hype? Will it transform television the way HD broadcasting did? Clearly, one of the "next big things\" in the media and entertainment world is higher resolutions and 4K delivery o...

Submitted by Jesper Gawell
Published 01 January 2015

4k - The biggest New Years resolution

by John Ive Issue 96 - December 2014 Whether it is Ultra High Definition (UHD), 4K or 8K - the predictions surrounding when and if this higher resolution format will become a widespread reality are still rife in the broadcast and media industry. The consensus in the sector seems to be that we may be edging marginally closer. However, many of the ba...

Submitted by John Ive
Published 01 January 2015

Making It Easy To Be In Two Places At Once

In these economically straitened times, all broadcast facilities are seeking ways to reduce cost without compromising quality. Equally, those equipment manufacturers that want to stay ahead of the game are responding by looking at how customers work and then seeing if there is a way to deliver the same results more simply and cost effectively. One...

Submitted by Bob Pank#
Published 01 January 2015

Wireless Production Tools - Hints, tips and a word of war...

by Alan March Issue 95 - November 2014 Some Do\'s and Don\'ts Over the years, there have been certain questions or queries that have had a habit of re-occurring. At the risk of teaching you, dear reader, to suck eggs, here are a few of them;Can I use two transmitters with just one receiver? No. With wireless microphones, a dedicated transmitter and...

Submitted by Alan March
Published 01 December 2014

A quick guide to: Considerations for building monitor gal...

by Steve Hathaway Issue 95 - November 2014 There has been a trend in recent times towards using large screen systems in production galleries and monitor walls. This has been enabled by the wide-scale availability of affordable multi-viewer systems but has this trend really been of benefit to broadcasters? As a specialist in picture monitoring, work...

Submitted by Steve Hathaway
Published 01 December 2014

Manipulate and Edit

Issue 94 - October 2014It will come as no surprise to many but the results of a survey unveiled at IBC have shown once again that some European broadcasters are struggling to keep up with the speed of technology change. Faced with new ways of working and constantly shifting goalposts, not to mention reduced budgets, many technology decision makers...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014

Manage and Monitor

Issue 94 - October 2014In the month that digital files become the preferred method of delivery for television programmes in the UK, it will come as a blessed relief to many in both post and production that one of the biggest bugbears of file-based delivery – how to deal with insert editing - may have been solved, just in the nick of time. It didn’t...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014


Issue 94 - October 2014The most complete, compact multimedia studio in the World NewTek™ have unveiled TriCaster Mini™––the world’s most complete and compact multimedia studio. The ultra-portable system allows anyone who doesn’t speak or understand the technical language of video production or broadcasting to transform an ordinary presentation into...

Submitted by Will Strauss#
Published 01 November 2014