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Articles by Ruth Matos

Ruth Matos Interview - A Career Unfolds

We first met Ruth when we employed her as a student to help with our live studio at BVE in 2013. We were struck by her determination, passion and ‘I’ll do anything to help’ attitude. We became friends of Facebook and have since seen her career in the industry develop and unfold. We thought it was about time to catch up and share her inspiring story...

Submitted by Ruth Matos
Published 08 September 2018

Following the Ravensbourne 3: What a past few months!

by Ruth MatosIssue 79 - July 2013 Here I am, at the end of my course BA Hons Production. For this final term I had to submit several projects including a portfolio showing a wide range of skills that I have developed and learnt. The most challenging and important one was a music video called Born of Stars, where I took the role of producer and DOP/...

Submitted by Ruth Matos
Published 01 August 2013

Following the Ravensbourne 3: Ruth Matos manages her time

by Ruth MatosWho has not been in a situation when work opportunities and commitments happen all at the same time? We never know why it is like that. It can be frustrating and it can take time thinking about what to do. As Paulo Coelho wrote on his book The Winner Stands Alone: ‘Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing...

Submitted by Ruth Matos
Published 01 May 2013

Ruth Matos: Part 4 of following the Ravensbourne 3

Balancing studying and working…. I have always been very dedicated to any projects and ambitions in life. When I started my studies at university I was fully focused on achieving the best grades possible and my coursework was my main priority in life. This was the frame of mind I had during my first and second years at university until an opportuni...

Submitted by Ruth Matos
Published 01 February 2013