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Articles by Peter Blanchford

Ad servers and switching solutions

i Hardware-based ad servers and switching solutions have been around for a long time and, broadly speaking, do the job just fine. That said, after a number of meetings before and during NAB 2017, what I found is that a lot of people are looking to replace components of their hardware-based ad servers, the switching function being chief among them....

Submitted by Peter Blanchford
Published 07 September 2017

You can have your OTT and IP IT too

It has taken a long time, for a variety of reasons, but the rising tide of pushing mainstream content over IP is now commonplace. Looking back a few years, some manufacturers, who were early to recognise the advantages, were keen to implement IP based interconnectivity, even though some of their customers remained, and are still, somewhat reluctant...

Submitted by Peter Blanchford
Published 13 January 2017