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Articles by Peter Leverick

Camera Operations (part 2)

by Peter Leverick Issue 112 - April 2016 In Part 1 (issue 110) I addressed the practical skills required by Camera Operators aspiring to enter the Broadcast TV market. A good camera operator also needs to have good artistic senses and abilities. Like practical skills this is something that is acquired through training and practice. As with all trai...

Submitted by Peter Leverick
Published 25 April 2016

Camera Operation and Training Part 1

by Peter Leverick Issue 110 - February 2016 Question: What is the difference between a Videographer and a Broadcast Cameraman?Answer: About £150/day without kit. This is a borrowed joke from an old friend of mine (name withheld, but thank you John), who was answering a facetious enquiry from a Lighting Director about his own job title compared to m...

Submitted by Peter Leverick
Published 16 March 2016