Rohde & Schwarz integration with Adobe Premiere Pro

Ciaran Doran

Author: Ciaran Doran

Published 24th February 2022

Rohde & Schwarz integration with Adobe Premiere Pro

Now recognised as one of the leading editing platforms for television and video post, Adobe Premiere Pro combines powerful functionality and a familiar user interface whilst remaining a competitive option. Simple integration with other applications in the Adobe Creative Cloud family, including After Effects (motion graphics), Audition (audio post) and Media Encoder (deliverables) extends its capabilities. Clients are available for both MacOS and Windows.

Another significant strength is that Adobe developed Premiere Pro to be open to third parties, with integration in mind. The cross-platform software works well standalone, but can readily be integrated in a broader, collaborative, workflow-defined post production platform. Rohde & Schwarz SpycerNode is the perfect partner for this.

In post, the editor needs to be able to access the content needed for the project in hand, fast, easily and without any distractions from anything else on the server network – focus and time are key.

SpycerNode SC is a storage system that uses a High Performance Computing (HPC) platform to provide networked storage for multiple creative post production workstations. Its powerful performance and inherent redundancy ensure that talented content creators can concentrate on their work, confident that the content is secure.

SpycerNode SC can be scaled as a cluster to deliver the performance and capacity required by any facility, from the smallest to the largest. 100 gigabit ethernet eliminates bottlenecks between the storage and user workstations. Business continuity and disaster recovery can be built on the same platform.

R&S®VENICE provides a front end for the storage platform. It supports both SDI (up to 12G for Ultra HD applications) and SMPTE ST2110 realtime IP streams. With its built-in Transform option, VENICE is an ideal solution for "fast turn-around workflows" with NLE's in Studio Production environments. R&S®SpycerPAM is a production asset management layer which provides all the tools for tracking content from ingest to deliverables. This rich management system is deeply integrated with Premiere Pro, delivering both ease of use for the creative operation, and speed and security for maximum efficiency. It helps reduce duplication on the SpycerNode storage, manages incoming footage, purges rushes and provides an easy archival workflow, all with a secure audit trail.

Individual project workspaces are setup in SpycerPAM and are connected to the editing application’s projects. Once established, content can be attached to it, work-in-progress and renders stored, clips created directly, and multi-user collaborative workflows tracked, for example for parallel work in Premiere Pro (video editing) and Audition (audio sweetening).

Most importantly, thanks to VENICE software, files being ingested into the SpycerNode are immediately available for viewing and editing. Within moments of an ingest starting, files can be accessed by Premiere Pro while the file continues to grow, and packages completed and delivered very quickly. Sports highlights EDLs can be prepared while the event is happening, and SpycerNode will create and play out the edits even from growing source files.

One vital benefit of VENICE is that it is codec agnostic. It supports all the widely recognised professional video formats, as does Premiere Pro, so the user is free to transcode at the point of ingest, as a background batch task, or in real time in the editor. If the post house has a mixed environment of Adobe and Avid edit stations, VENICE can perform a single-pass conversion to OpAtom, the native format of Avid systems.

As projects are completed, VENICE can create Op 1a files, now seen as the most generally accepted delivery format, ready for delivery to a broadcast playout server. Doing all this within the HPC power of VENICE removes the task from Adobe Premiere Pro and Media Encoder, thereby releasing the creative hardware for the next job.

In short, VENICE, SpycerNode, SpycerPAM and Adobe Premiere Pro are perfect partners. The open architecture of Premiere Pro means it can readily be integrated to create precisely the architecture needed operationally. Tasks are seamlessly shared between Adobe and VENICE, maximising productivity and minimising latency and risk.

The powerful asset management tools in SpycerPAM are visible, as required, within the Premiere Pro user interface, ensuring editors need never leave their familiar environment to see all the content they need to complete the project, even in fast turnaround situations where the ingest files are still growing when work starts.

Whether the requirement is for long-form post production or the fast turnaround worlds of news and sport, the keys to productivity are flexibility and agility. Together, VENICE, SpycerNode and Adobe create an intuitive, collaborative, logical environment that delivers the performance levels and support for premium creative workflows.

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